
Five Loaves Food Pantry

Meet Some of our Volunteers


the community

100% Volunteer - All Monies go Directly to distributing Food - Every Dollar enables us to Distribute over $39 of Food.

Reach Out

Work with members in your community and make a difference

6,100 Families Served from April 2014 to December 2019 - 

Hear the Testimonies

Join Us

In addition to our regular operating expenses we have some once a year expenses and projects where we need additional assistance.  Please check out the link below to see how you can help us maintain the ministry of the Five Loaves Food Pantry.


The Hungry

Urgent Projects

For more than 20 years, Five Loaves Food Pantry has devoted its energy to passionately advocating for the hungry, needy and politically under-represented members of our global family. Find out how you can contribute to the future of someone in need through donations of money and time. .



Hunger isn't seasonal, which is why our year-round food pantry gets so much attention. Devote an afternoon to stocking our pantry and see first-hand the families we help daily.  Or visit us on Tuesday to feed them a hot meal and distribute groceries.

Ministering compassion and the love of Jesus Christ by serving the hungry of the VirginiaPeninsula.

Our Mission